Bristol Cleaners Offer the Best Cleaning Hacks for the House and Office

Bristol Cleaners Offer the Best Cleaning Hacks for the House and OfficeCleaning is certainly a chore. Getting certain jobs done with a lack of facilities or supplies can make an easy job into a difficult one. There are always cleaning jobs needing to be done around the house or office and when they are made easy, more and more people will be likely to help out. To make a job easier, we need to take a look at hacks. Although many people are familiar with the term hack in relation to computer crimes, there is another meaning to the word. A hack can be something that can make a task easier and it usually involves using items readily available around the home and office to help get the job done, like in the best McGyver fashion.

Bristol cleaners recommend a few of these household and office cleaning hacks to help:

  • When mopping the floor, or any situation that requires a bucket of water, sometimes a wash basin or tub is not readily available for use, making filling the bucket an impossible task. This problem can, more often than not, be easily solved by using the flat part of a dustpan and its handle across a sink so that the water will flow across the pan, through the hollow hand and over the rim of the sink and into the bucket.
  • A great product to have in the home and office is baking soda. This versatile powder can be used for both cleaning and as an air sanitizer for the refrigerator. But what many people don’t know is that baking soda is one of the best products to use to get coffee and tea stains off the surface of dishes without the hassle
  • For glasses that are cloudy, a simple paper towel and some vinegar will get any glass shining again as clear as the day they were purchased. Vinegar is great because it can also be used to clean the inside of microwaves simply by placing some vinegar in a microwave safe glass and zapping it until it boils. The steam will loosen dirt and make it easy to wipe off.
  • Getting pet hair out of the carpet isn’t something to get frustrated about. This hard job is made easy by using a household squeegee on the carpet will get out all animal hair without the fuss. Many Bristol cleaners have said that this hack actually surprises many people as the amount of hair that is lifted off the carpet is often shocking!
  • For ceiling fans, Bristol cleaners recommending just using an old pillowcase. Hook the pillow case over the blade of the fan and pull backwards. All the dust will come off and fall into the pillow case and not onto the floor.
  • A very simple air cleaning hack for the home and office is actually quite an interesting one. If there is anyone in the home or office that loves peanuts, save the shells. The empty shells left in a bowl can help clean the air of allergens and dust.

Bristol cleaners are always available for hire to get a home or office spotless but when commercial cleaners are not available, these hacks can in turn make cleaning fun and more interesting. See for info on cleaning services in the Bristol area.

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