Office Cleaning Bristol Mistakes to Avoid

As the manager, or indeed the owner, of an office-based business, it is your responsibility to ensure that the premises are clean, hygienic, and safe, which is why you may benefit from office cleaning Bristol companies such as There is so, so much more to keeping an office clean and tidy than simply running a vacuum cleaner around the carpet and quickly wiping the sides down with a damp cloth a few times per week. Read on to find out what office cleaning Bristol mistakes to avoid.

Keeping your office or commercial premise clean and tidy, whether you are a small, or large business, is beneficial not only for your company, but also for your customers, as well as your employees. They say that if there is time to lean then there is time to clean, but if you don’t have the time to lean, you may wish to hire professional office cleaning Bristol companies instead. If you do decide to tackle the cleaning yourself, here are a few common cleaning mistakes to avoid making in your office.

Mixing Chemicals

Mixing chemicals is a direct violation of COSHH (Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health) so as you may expect, it is not something that should ever be done. Despite this however, up and down the country there are businesses that do this every single day, many of which pay the price. If they’re lucky, the price comes in the form of a fine, but if they aren’t, the price comes in the form of a hospital visit. If employees are required to use chemicals for cleaning purposes, they must receive adequate training to ensure they know not to mix chemicals. Mixing bleach with washing up liquid for example, creates fumes which, in confined surroundings, can be fatal.

office cleaning Bristol mistakes

Office Cleaning Bristol Mistakes :Using Furniture polish Directly on Dust

Unless your business is decidedly upmarket, chances are that your furniture will be fairly affordable and may be laminated, as opposed to solid wood. As most pieces of office furniture are already laminated, polishing them is a waste of time. What’s more, if you do decide to polish your furniture, you should first ensure that it is free from dust. Spraying dust with polish just causes the dust to stick to the furniture, making it much harder to remove.

Office Cleaning Bristol Mistakes : Letting Bins Get Full

Having overflowing bins of any kind is not a good look for businesses, and that includes waste paper bins. We know that it can be tedious having to empty waste paper bins several times per week, but if you let them get so full with scrunched up pieces of paper that the paper itself is now spilling out onto the floor, well, it gives other people the impression that you’re lazy, unhygienic, and unprofessional. Office cleaning Bristol companies will always stress the importance of ensuring your bins are emptied regularly and not allowed to become too full.

Dirty Bathrooms

There is no quicker way of losing customers and giving your company an appalling reputation than allowing your bathrooms to become dirty. Whether you allow customers to use your bathrooms or not, you should always, always make sure they are cleaned every single day, without fail. We know what goes on in bathrooms, and whilst it may not be a pleasant job, it has to be done.

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