Small Office Cleaning Bristol Tips for Keeping your Workspace Clean

If you own a small business with a small office, you will not need to pay professional cleaners to come in every day. A professional clean once a week is highly recommended, to ensure your work areas are kept really clean. But, there are many things you can do as well to keep your work spaces clean and tidy. A neat and tidy office will not only look good when clients visit you. It will also encourage your staff members to work harder. Below is some small office cleaning Bristol tips that you can follow to ensure you are the cleanest small office in the city.

Small Office Cleaning Bristol : Get Rid of Clutter

If you are a hoarder at home, then chances you are in the office too. You may collect promotional freebies, or find it hard to part with collectibles. You must remember that a cluttered desk is not professional. Organisation is the key to a healthy work attitude, and this means taking home prizes, certificates, or whatever else you may have that is cluttering up your desk. A desk that is free from clutter will mean you spend less time looking for papers, and more time working!

small office cleaning Bristol

Small Office Cleaning Bristol : Get Organised

If doesn’t matter how small or large or small your business or your office is. You need to be organised. If you have limited room in your office, then clever storage options are a great solution. Filing cabinets are still great for keeping all your papers in order, and small cabinets that slide under your desk are a great space-saving option. Shelves can also help. Document files that you don’t need to look at every day can be stored on shelves above or behind your desk.

Small Office Cleaning Bristol  : Dusting

If you have watched cleaning programmes on the TV then you will be aware that there are often more bacteria present on your keyboard than on your toilet seat. So, ensure you dust and wipe keyboards, phones, and all electronic devices periodically. Your office cleaning experts will ensure everything is cleaned on each visit, but it takes just a couple of minutes at the end of your working day to clean your keyboard and mouth piece of your office phone.

Ban Food and Crumbs

Food should never be eaten at your desk, and this goes for you as well as your employees. Take designated coffee breaks where staff can drink a coffee or eat a snack in the kitchen area. No matter how small your office, there is no excuse for crumbs on your desk or a bin that is overflowing with chocolate bar wrappers.

All of the above take no time at all, and keeping food away from your desk takes no time at all. It is a preventative measure. Your office is your workspace, and it should never become an extension of your home. So keep it free from clutter, and order a professional clean once a week or once a fortnight from your local office cleaning in Bristol experts.


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