Green Office Cleaning: 6 Cleaning Tips for your Office

Over the last decade or so, it seems as if we, the human race, have finally woken up to the damage we’re causing our stunning planet and are finally making a conscious effort to be greener and more environmentally friendly than ever before. Green office cleaning services for example, are now more popular than ever, due mainly to the fact that not only do they allow you to keep your office space spotlessly clean and tidy, but they also allow you to be more eco-friendly in the process. You alone may think that going green is a waste of time because how can one office, no matter how large or small it may be, truly make a difference to the upkeep of our planet?

Well, the idea is that you aren’t alone, because if the next office building along goes green, and the next, and the next, before you know it, half the country could be employing these eco-friendly cleaning tactics, and then hopefully office buildings all across the world. We all play our part in the upkeep of the earth, just as we do the destruction of the earth when we pollute, drop litter, waste chemicals etc. If you wish to make a difference and be more eco-friendly, here are 6 green office cleaning tips for you to put into practice sooner rather than later.

Be Wary of Anti-Bacterial Cleaning Solutions

Whilst anti-bacterial cleaning solutions can be very beneficial because they help to kill germs and destroy harmful bacteria before it has chance to spread, the problem with some of these solutions is that some of them are actually no more beneficial than regular soap and water, with the added downside of being pumped full of harmful chemicals in the process. Try to find anti-bacterial solutions with the best reviews and feedback scores, and truthfully, don’t be afraid to simply use soap and hot water.

green office cleaning

Natural Cleaning Solutions

Did you know, that vinegar, lemon juice, and other natural solutions with high acidity contents work incredibly well as cleaning solutions and truthfully work even better than products packed full of harmful chemicals and other dangerous ingredients? Baking soda is another natural ingredient that works fantastically at neutralising odours and destroying bacteria. To use the vinegar, simply dilute 1 part vinegar with 1 part water, and use to clean pretty much any surface in your office that you can think of. If you’re worried about the smell, it does go when it dries, although you could add a few drops of natural essential oil to the mixture to help give a pleasant smell. When vacuuming office carpets, sprinkle baking soda on them, leave for 10 minutes, and then vacuum them as usual for cleaner and fresher carpets.

Use Baking Soda in Place of Bleach

In areas where you would normally do so, providing you aren’t required by law to use bleach, or chemicals containing bleach, use baking soda instead. To disinfect cups and worktops, simply sprinkle baking soda in or on surfaces/cups etc, add a little vinegar, allow it to fizz and bubble, and then wipe away with fresh water. Not only will the surfaces be left spotless, they’ll also be free from harmful germs and bacteria.

Use Cold Water Instead of Hot

For items such as desks or windows, you don’t actually need to use hot water to clean them at all, as cold soapy water will work just as well as hot. This is considered one of the most commonly overlooked green office cleaning tips, yet it’s one of the most simple. Every time we heat water up, we’re wasting heat and energy, which in turn is also causing various emissions and pollutants to escape to the atmosphere. Cold water works just as well, and requires no additional energy to heat the water.

Recycle Toxic Containers

If certain chemicals are considered hazardous to the environment, rather than just throwing them in the bin, take the time to recycle them instead. If you throw them away, they could end up on landfill sites where they could pollute the environment and harm natural wildlife in the area. Recycling itself is highly beneficial, and recycling harmful containers is even better.

Bring in The Professionals

By now you’re probably thinking that with a busy office to look after, the last thing you have time to do is sprinkle baking powder on carpets mix vinegar with water to make your own cleaning solution. If this is indeed the case, why not bring in the professionals instead? Many pro office cleaning companies are incredibly eco-friendly, and truthfully will do a much better job than you anyways, because that’s what they do.



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