Office Cleaning Bristol Teams : How to Spot Bad Cleaners

With industrial cleaning services such as many office cleaning Bristol teams now thriving better than ever, it seems as if more and more people are looking to get in on the action and grab their own slice of the pie, which in this case, comes in the form of lucrative office and commercial cleaning contracts. Your office, whether large, medium, or small, will still need to be cleaned in order for it to look nice, smell nice, function efficiently, and to remain hygienic, so you may want to hire an office cleaning Bristol company. As a business owner, you have your own company to run and your own staff to manage, so why should you, or they, have to spend extra hours cleaning when that isn’t even yours, or their chosen specialty? The answer is you and they shouldn’t, so you’ll want to hire office cleaning Bristol services instead. As not all cleaners are as efficient as others however, here are some tips on how to spot bad cleaners.

Office Cleaning Bristol Teams : They Only Clean Visible Areas

Ok, if you’re like most people, when you clean your home, when vacuuming or mopping the floor, you probably clean around items of furniture and ornaments, rather than moving them. In the living room for example, when vacuuming the floor, do you move the sofa and pull the TV cabinet out and vacuum behind and underneath them, or do you simply go around them? Most people go around them, but if professional cleaners do the same, then that is a big problem. Cleaners should carefully pull items of furniture out and clean behind them, and they should get into all of the little nooks and crannies that you can’t even see. If you notice your cleaner vacuuming around chairs and desks, rather than vacuuming behind and underneath them, this will need to change.

office cleaning Bristol teams

They Waste Time Talking

Whilst many people agree that a spot of idle chitchat whilst working is perfectly fine, if you notice your cleaners stopping to have full conversations with other employees, or each other, or even on their phones, again, you may wish to have a word, or simply find somebody else. You’re paying them good money to clean and not engage in conversation, and if you notice that their chitchat is affecting their work or slowing them down, then again, that is a problem.

Office Cleaning Bristol Teams : They Don’t Do a Good Job

This is perhaps the most obvious example, but it is also the most relevant to what we’re talking about. Office cleaning Bristol companies have such great reputations because the offices that they clean all end up looking absolutely spotless and more hygienic than ever before. If however, you notice that your office is still dirty even after you have paid so-called professional cleaners a great deal amount of money, well, you aren’t getting very good value for money and they certainly aren’t doing their jobs right. Cleaning is tough, there’s no denying that, but there is no excuse for a cleaner to not be able to clean effectively, so just bear that in mind.

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