Office Cleaning Duties List : Routine Tasks To Ensure A Hygienic Office

If you have recently started up a small business and cannot yet afford to hire cleaning help, creating an office cleaning duties list for you and your employees is essential: Not only does the cleanliness of your office make a statement about your business, an unhygienic workplace contributes heavily to employee illness and lost productivity.

To prevent the growth of bacteria and mould, consult the office cleaning duties list provided below; it covers all of the major office cleaning tasks you and your employees will need to attend to:

Office Cleaning Duties List: Daily Tasks

-Throughout the office, dust off hard surfaces, electronic equipment, and lamp shades (to make dusting lampshades easier, trying using a piece of packing tape; wrap the tape around your hand, sticky side facing outwards, then pat down the lamp shade). Remove any cobwebs you find along the way.

-Disinfect any surfaces that frequently come into contact with human hands, such as doorknobs, light switches, keyboards, and computer mice. Doing this will greatly reduce the risk of germs being transmitted between employees.

-Completely disinfect the bathroom, wiping down every hard surface with a germ-killing solution (including the walls of the bathroom stalls).

-Tidy up any clutter that is present and throw away brochures, fliers, and other detritus.

-Spot clean windows, glass surfaces, mirrors, and painted hard surfaces.

-Vacuum the floors, carpets, and upholstery.

-Take out the trash.

-Make sure the bathroom is fully stocked with paper towels, soap, and toilet paper.

-Mop down the bathroom floor.

-Clean up the office kitchen, e.g. clean out the sink, wash any dishes that need washing, wash out the coffee pot, and clean out the microwave. Make sure there is no food debris on the counters or the floors.

office cleaning duties list

Weekly Tasks:

-Give the windows a thorough clean and polish hard surfaces throughout the office.

-Polish the doorknobs.

-Vacuum out any dust that has accumulated in the air vents.

-Blow the dust out of electronic equipment with a can of compressed air.

-Scrub out the toilets.

-Clean out the fridge, throwing away any old food and wiping out the interior thoroughly.

Keeping An Organised Office

In addition to adhering to the office cleaning duties listed above, you and your employees should sit down and agree on a plan to keep each office (or cubicle) on the premises organised. As a general rule, you and your employees should try to keep clutter off of desks and limit the number of personal items you keep in your offices. Additionally, everyone should agree to eat in the office kitchen rather than at their desks; this will help to prevent food-related mess from spreading and therefore lower the risk of mould growth and pest infestation.

As a final note, remember that even if you and your employees decide to do your own office cleaning, you will still need to hire a professional cleaning service to steam clean your carpets at least twice a year. Consumer-grade steam cleaners are not sufficient to remove deeply-entrenched mould spores, dirt particles, and allergens from your office’s carpets.

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