Office Cleaning in Bristol: How Products and Equipment Have Changed

Office cleaning in Bristol is an ever-evolving profession; as our knowledge of cleaning technology advances and awareness of how our cleaning practices impact the natural environment increases, the machines and solutions we rely on to perform office cleaning duties are constantly being updated. For a look at a company that takes office cleaning really seriously, click here.

As a professional cleaner, it’s therefore essential to constantly monitor the industry for recent developments; keeping abreast of these changes not only allows you to clean more effectively, it ensures that you come off as knowledgeable and dedicated when interacting with your clients. When it comes to office cleaning in Bristol in particular—a region known both for its cutting-edge technology sector and its focus on green initiatives—it’s likely that you will encounter clients who desire more from you than just a basic, conventional cleaning job.

As such, if you plan to engage in office cleaning in Bristol, it’s a good idea to review the following modern updates to the products and tools typically used while performing commercial cleaning duties:

Vacuum cleaner technology is advancing rapidly. The upright vacuum cleaners that were used extensively during commercial cleaning jobs in the past, and which were known for being expensive to run despite their low purchase cost, are being supplanted by more economical and versatile models. Today, backpack and upright vacuum cleaners are available with HEPA type filtration (an absolute must for removing allergens from the air), improved tools for handling a wider variety of cleaning applications, better suction, and more ergonomic handles (important for reducing the risk of repetitive strain injury).

Carpet cleaning methods have become far more effective. In decades past, carpet cleaning was an imperfect science—one which involved shampooing carpet with a sticky detergent that attracted fresh dirt quickly. Today, these outdated techniques have been replaced by encapsulation and hot-water extraction (often erroneously referred to as “steam cleaning”). Hot water extraction machines have also evolved; they often require less water than they did in the past while delivering a superior clean.

office cleaning in Bristol

Stripping and re-coating is becoming a thing of the past. Today, many clients prefer to use scrubbing and burnishing as necessary, and diamond pad systems that reduce or eliminate the need for finishes are becoming increasingly popular. Stripping and re-coating has been recognised as the wasteful and dangerous practice it is; the harsh chemicals involved threaten human health and often damage the environment.

“Green” floor finishes are the way of the future. Today, most clients prefer floor finishes which are free of polluting (and highly toxic) heavy metals.

Pads and brushes are getting better. Pads and brushes are now being designed to both minimise labour and to be more environmentally friendly. Many cleaning pads are now made completely from recycled materials (often from recycled plastic bottles) and are themselves often recyclable.

As a final note, don’t feel you need to wait until the client asks to verse him on what you know about “green” cleaning, better indoor air quality management, etc.; in the event your client is not aware of these issues, he may not realise the extra value you are bringing to his establishment unless you explain such matters.


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